
Silviculture is the care and cultivation of woodlands. At GHA Trees we have been experts in Silviculture for over 30 years.


Silviculture is the practice of controlling the growth, composition and also the structure of forests to meet values and needs. Silviculture promotes sustainable quality forests. The name comes from the Latin silvi- and culture. The study of forests and woods is termed silvology. GHA Trees are the experts in the adaption of the very latest techniques in Silviculture. 

A Few Of Our Great Clients

Buckinghamshire Council
GHA Tree Client Stevenage Borough Council
GHA Trees Client Planning GHA Trees Client The Planning Inspectorate
Tree Surgeons GHA Trees

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Silviculture is the care and cultivation of woodlands (as opposed to arboriculture which is the care and cultivation of individual trees). There is a wide range of different silvicultural systems which are, broadly speaking, management prescriptions for particular types and areas of woodland. Forestry, at its most basic level, is the interaction between tree species, site characteristics and a silvicultural system. There are a number of different silvicultural systems described here:

  • Focus:  The health and safety of individual trees
  • ActivitiesPruning, fertilizing, cabling, bracing, diagnosing tree ailments, removing trees
  • EnvironmentUrban areas, parks, private gardens
  • ProfessionalsArborists, tree consultants, tree surgeons

A silvicultural system is a comprehensive approach that encompasses the care, harvesting, and sustainable regeneration of a forest ecosystem. This process involves a variety of techniques and practices that aim to balance the ecological health of the forest with economic objectives. Different objectives in forest management, such as conservation efforts in an ancient semi-natural woodland as opposed to timber production from a managed conifer plantation, are likely to result in the adoption of varying silvicultural systems. Each system brings its own set of methodologies and strategies tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of the forest environment being managed.

The volume of timber that can be sustainably harvested from a forested area is influenced by various factors, including site conditions, management practices, and tree species. Furthermore, local climatic variables, such as temperature and precipitation, play a significant role in determining tree health and growth, which subsequently affects timber production.

Factors Influencing Sustainable Yield

  • Site Conditions:The condition of the trees, availability of open space, and the impact of pests, diseases, and environmental pollutants
  • Tree Species: Various species of trees produce differing quantities of timber
  • Management History: The prior management approach adopted for the woodland


Note: It is imperative to conduct regular assessments of the woodland’s growth patterns and to adjust management strategies as necessary to guarantee a consistently sustainable yield.
Annual Increment
The volume of timber that is produced in the woodland annually.

Employing methods such as selective logging and replanting can significantly improve the sustainability of timber harvesting practices.

Once you ascertain the current standing volume of timber and its yield class, determining the anticipated timber yield from a felling becomes a straightforward process, informed by the chosen silvicultural system.

To ensure a sustainable yield from a woodland block, it is essential to either fell less than the annual increment (particularly in uneven-aged stands and coppice) or to implement effective replanting or natural regeneration following an even-aged management felling or clear cutting.

It is important to note that fuel constitutes only one of several product streams derived from forestry. Typically, higher quality timber commands a superior price when sold in various markets, including construction and furniture manufacturing.

The productivity of a woodland is influenced by several factors, including its area, the species selected for planting, site characteristics, rotation length, and the silvicultural system used. In the UK, yield is typically conveyed through the concept of “yield class,” which represents an increment measurement (the volume of solid stem wood added to an area of woodland) in cubic meters per hectare per year (m3/ha/yr), expressed in intervals of 2, such as 4, 6, 8, and so on.

BS5837 Tree Surveys

BS 5837:2012 Tree Surveys
On receipt of a topographical survey or accurate OS plan, we can undertake detailed tree surveys to evaluate the quality and longevity of all trees on and adjacent to a potential development site. This may be a small extension in a rear garden or a larger development containing many trees. We are well placed to evaluate the impact trees may have on developments of any scale.  

AutoCAD Tree Constraints Plan

Tree Sketches Showing Possible Tree Configurations Around Buildings

Following the completion of our detailed tree surveys, tree constraints plans are produced which allow the design team to identify the valuable trees and agree (with necessary input from GHA Trees) strategies for working around these trees. Our site plans and tree constraints plans are produced using AutoCAD to ensure their clarity for the client, architect and local planning authority.

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Call or Email now to talk to one of our expert Tree Team. 

Useful links about Silviculture. 

Arbiculture & Silviculture Expertise

Over 28 years of tree knowledge. Expert knowledge, delivered.

Arboricultural Impact Assessments

Once a layout has been finalised, we will work with the client and the architect to assess the impact that development proposals may have on the trees and recommend remedial actions to minimise these impacts. We will also make recommendations for protecting trees against potentially harmful construction activities. Our written statements are very detailed and give the local planning authority the information required to give them comfort that the scheme has been well considered in relation to trees.

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We use the Arborshadow system to assess likely shade patterns and how shade may affect proposed developments. This will assist architects with the design and layout of new properties and developments.

Arboricultural Method Statements

Once planning permission has been granted, we will work with the relevant parties to produce pragmatic and sensible arboricultural method statements, detailing how the retained trees will be protected during the build process. This will include detailed tree protection plans (see below) which ensure maximum protection for retained trees, whilst allowing site works to proceed efficiently.

Contract Management

AutoCAD Tree Protection Plans

Our tree protection plans are produced using AutoCAD to ensure their clarity for the local planning authority as well as the site operatives who will use these plans to implement the agreed protection measures.  

Stylized architectural Sketch Showing Trees Around Buildings
Tree Sketches Showing Possible Tree Configurations Around Buildings
Architectural Sketch Of Trees Around Buildings

GHA Trees Testimonials

Some of our reviews.

Site monitoring

We are able to undertake site monitoring at agreed intervals to ensure planning condition obligations are being met fully. This will also give the you peace of mind that all retained trees are being fully protected, as these trees will undoubtedly enhance the development for the future. This can include pre start and / or regular site meetings as well as site inductions for site managers and site personnel. 

Planting Schemes

We can develop planting schemes which ensure trees of the appropriate species are selected to form part of new developments, choosing trees with appropriate credentials for any given site. We can then produce planting / landscaping plans and specifications to ensure these trees are planted and maintained in order that they will thrive for many generations. 

Advice relating to the Planning System and Tree Preservation Orders.

Our principle consultant previously worked as the Arboricultural Manager within the planning department of a prestigious London Borough. He has detailed knowledge of the planning system and will assist with all matters relating to applying for, and working on trees covered by tree preservation orders or that are located within conservation areas. 

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