Tree Surveys

Frequently asked questions

We record the critical measurements of the tree / group including height, stem diameter, crown radius and clearance above ground. We also assess the condition of the tree and record and visible defects and appropriate remedial works. Trees are also graded during some surveys where we categorise based on their health, form, quality, setting and longevity. 

For development surveys we grade trees based on the guidance laid out in BS5837:2012.   This assessment is based on their health, form, quality, setting and longevity as well as our consultants experience of grading thousands of trees over many years and in many different settings such as urban and rural landscapes. 

We initially undertake a ground level assessment which is none invasive.  We are looking at the crown health as well as any visible defects visible on the stem and branches.  Many trees have host specific diseases so we know what to look out for.  Sometimes, if warranted, further investigation may be required such as an internal investigation or a climbing inspection. 

Trees are often subject to stresses, normally as a result of human activity near trees.  When assessing a tree it is therefore essential to assess not only the tree but also the environment in which it grows so assess any known stresses and decide how the tree can be protected against these. 


Trees are becoming ever more important in the planning system which is great! Developments of all sizes are now required to demonstrate that the proposal has due consideration for nearby trees and also that allowance if made for new planting where this is appropriate.

The unlawful damage of a protected tree, conducted without an appropriate tree survey and professional guidance, can lead to significant penalties.

Conservation areas and tree preservation orders (TPOs) serve as primary mechanisms for tree protection; therefore, any trees under these protections must undergo a tree survey prior to any activities that may pose a risk to their well-being.

A tree survey report is essential documentation to support planning approval applications.

When trees are present on the development site, the local planning authority necessitates evidence of a completed tree survey. If the survey adequately addresses relevant concerns, the planning officer is likely to approve the planning consent without issue.

Woodland Management And Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF)

Woodland management constitutes a key area of our professional expertise. We employ Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) as a strategic management approach for suitable woodland sites. Our successful transformations of conifer, broadleaf, and mixed woodlands to CCF across various locations in the southeast of England demonstrate our commitment to this method. Our principal consultant possesses a profound interest in CCF, having traveled to Denmark, Poland, and other sites in the UK to study its effective implementation. We regard CCF as a progressive approach for lowland forests and are eager to engage with you to discuss how CCF can enhance your woodland and elucidate its numerous benefits.

Woodland Management Plans

We produce woodland management plans for woodland sites of all sizes, from smaller holdings owned by Parish Councils or small woodland owners through to larger estates (including Hatfield House Estate, a large privately owned estate in Hertfordshire) with broader commercial forestry objectives. These management plans are tailored to the site and produced with input from all relevant stake-holders, to ensure woodlands are being managed effectively for all user groups. 

Woodland Management

Woodland Management Plans

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Woodland Management - Grant advice and Grant Applications and Felling Licenses

Grant advice and Grant Applications and Felling Licenses

In recent years we have worked on grants for woodlands of all sizes. This has included obtaining felling licenses for small (5Ha) sites, through to the successful application for Countryside Stewardship (CS) Grants on larger woodlands (such as a successful CS grant application for 500Ha of woodlands in the Home Counties). We will work with you to assess what is appropriate for your site and which grants and licenses may be necessary and / or applicable. 

Buckinghamshire Council
GHA Tree Client Stevenage Borough Council
GHA Trees Client Planning GHA Trees Client The Planning Inspectorate
Tree Surgeons GHA Trees

We Know Trees

Managing commercial recreational use of forests

In recent years we have worked on grants for woodlands of all sizes. This has included obtaining felling licenses for small (5Ha) sites, through to the successful application for Countryside Stewardship (CS) Grants on larger woodlands (such as a successful CS grant application for 500Ha of woodlands in the Home Counties). We will work with you to assess what is appropriate for your site and which grants and licenses may be necessary and / or applicable. 

Dead Tree For Felling

Managing commercial recreational use of forests

We specialise in working with forest owners and third party companies to enable the use of woodlands for commercialised diversification. We are able to ensure any planned activities are appropriate for a given site, ensuring measures are in place to protect the woodland and guarantee that other ‘normal’ woodland activities are not jeopardised by these additional activities. In recent years we have worked with organisations who supply bushcraft camping for children in woodland sites, working with one such company who provided residential camps for over 4000 children (in a site 20 miles from central London) during one spring / summer season.

Planting Schemes and advice on woodland planting grants

We work with our clients to deliver well planned and sustainable woodland planting schemes for plots of all sizes. We will liaise with all stakeholders on your behalf, ensuring all necessary boxes are ticked.  We can assist in producing grant applications for new woodlands, working closely with organisations such as the Forestry Commission.

looking up view of trees from below

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